Greenwood Family Tree

Family Tree

Charles Edward Allison was my Great Grandfather who was born 1877 Gainsborough Lincolnshire
He married Charlotte Meekley in July 1900 in Gainsborough Lincolnshire.
He died on 4th May 1936 Gainsborough Lincolnshire
Below are his children including my Grandmother Cara Elizabeth Allison


Almena Allison born 1900-1940 Gainsborough  Lincs
Cara Elizabeth Allison born 1905-1966 Gainsborough Lincs
Dorothy Louisa Allison

Born 1907-          Gainsborough Lincs

Lilly Allison  Born1911            Gainsborough Lincs
Charles Edward Allison Born 1914-          Gainsborough Lincs

Almena Allison born 1900-May 1940 Gainsborough Lincolnshire she married Arthur James Hooton born 1899-1936 and married in 1923 Gainsborough Lincolnshire.




Cara Elizabeth Allison was my Grandmother and was born in 1905, she married George Henry Beevers, their marriage certificate has not been found, they left the following children

Joyce Winifred Beevers Born 1924-1995 Worksop Nottinghamshire
Cara Cycelia Beevers
Mavis Mary  

Charles Edward Allison born 1914-1970 Gainsborough Lincolnshire, he married Queenie Brockleby born 1919-1963 they married in 1938 Gainsborough Lincolnshire England.