Greenwood Family Tree

Family Tree

William Allison born 1842 son of William Allison 1820 and Lucy Gilbert born 1820-1890 died 12th November.

William Allison born 1842 married Ann Shaw on 15th November 1863 Sheffield Yorkshire, age of Ann Shaw born 1843.

They had the following children

Lucy Allison

Lucy Allison was born 12th October 1865 Sheffield Yorkshire. She married James Frederick Benn on the 24th May 1901 Sheffield Yorkshire, they had the following children.

Dorothy Benn born 1902 Sheffield Yorkshire.

Mary Allison Mary Allison was born 1867 Sheffield Yorkshire England, she married Charles Wilkinson 25th December 1899 Sheffield Yorkshire, Charles Wilkinson was born 1857 Sheffield Yorkshire, they had 1 daughter Nora May Wilkinson born 1904-1986 Sheffield Yorkshire England
John William Allison

born 1869 Sheffield Yorkshire England

John William Allison born 1869 married Theresa Cowlishaw 1899 Sheffield Yorkshire.Theresa Cowlishaw was born 1872 Sheffield, they had the following child.

Ivy Alice Allison born January 1908 Sheffield Yorkshire England

Robert Allison born 1872-1926 Sheffield Yorkshire England
William Allison born 1881 Sheffield Yorkshire England